November 27, 2008

  • Ahhh why do my tires keep exploding on me?!

    Why me?

    Before I explain my post’s title, let me first wish you all a Happy Thanksgiving!  Hope you all ate well and had a good time today!  I sure did.  Well, minus one big detail

    Today, my back right tire exploded on me as I drove my brother and I to a friend’s house for Thanksgiving celebrations.  This is the second time in the past year where my tire owned me.  The first time my tire went haywire was about a year ago, when I was driving down to North Carolina for a tennis tournament.  It was about a 6-7 hours drive from Maryland and my team decided to drive down at night so we didn’t have to pay for an extra night at the hotel (big mistake, as we later figured out).  We were about 3/4 the way there when my back left tire suddenly exploded while I was on the highway.  Luckily it was about 4am so there weren’t any cars around.  I was able to move to the side of the road without too much trouble.  Later on, my friends in the car told me I was strangely very calm during the whole incident.  I’m still unsure why I didn’t freak out, since it was pretty loud BANG and I never experienced this before.  Anyways, I’ve been consistently driving around 85 mph for a couple of hours, so it made sense that one of my tires would finally give way. 

    I am pretty sure my dad is to blame for my tire messing me up this time around.  Yesterday, my dad had noticed one of my tires was under-inflated, so he took the liberty of filling it up for me.  However in doing so, he also accidentally drained out my car’s battery, so I had to buy a new battery yesterday.  I thought that would be my only car problem for the time being.  Well, I guess he decided to give me another lovely present by over-inflating my tire as well.  During the 20 minutes drive to my friend’s house, my car started to slowly but surely start shaking violently, as if my whole car was going to explode and burn my brother and I to a crisp at any second.  It was kinda scary because I was also on a crowded highway this time around, so  I was afraid I would hit other cars during the explosion aftermath.  I manage to get my car to the street of my friend’s house before I heard the all too familiar BANG sound from my back right tire. 

    Unfortunately for me, since it’s Thanksgiving there is no places open where I can buy a new tire today.  I can’t just patch up the tire because there’s a huge gash, as if some gremlin had sliced it.  I already used my spare tire during the last incident (and lazy me forgot to get a new one), so now my car is disabled over at my friend’s house until tomorrow or Saturday.  Urgh. 

    Oh well, good thing I don’t really need to use my car tomorrow or Saturday.  I’m also very thankful that my tire didn’t explode while I was on the crowded highway.  Now THAT could have made my situation today a lot more messier.  It’s funny how I tend to look at the bright side of things, even when bad things happen to me .

    So yes, besides that hiccup I had a good time today.  Hope everyone else’s Thanksgiving Day went a lot smoother!

Comments (35)

  • hahas. i guess theres another thing you could be thankful for: not getting killed on thanksgiving hahas. and i like how you can always look at things on the bright side =]

    oh btw, i read your post about being in relationship. and i gotta say, im impressed, cause i dont think i’ve never heard a guy talks about relationship like that before. especially the “5 things you missed the most”. its really impressive. hopefully you will find your special girl soon. =] happy thanksgiving!

  • whoa, be careful!
    and happy thanksgiving

  • @xWrKitOuTxDx - 

    Oh yea, that’s one big thing I’m thankful for. If that happens, I can no longer update this blog, among other things haha.

    Aw thanks, I’ve been hearing similar comments like yours. Are guys that think like me that rare?

    @kc_sarah - 

    Yea, I’m gonna try to be more careful next time. I need to get use to checking my tires’ air pressure more regularly.

  • Hmm.. I think you should be getting new tires every 1.5 to 2 years, I think. Since the weather on the east coast involves snow, sleet, and whatevers that may erode your tires, it’s best to get new tires quite often. My dad is a retired mechanic and my little bro is a smog technician, and they are always looking at my car. Since I drive for a living (averaging 100 miles a day), my dad is always worried about me and my car; he gets mad at me when I don’t visit him at least once a week because he wants to see me and to check my car also.

    Also, other maintenance issues like oil changes and checking the oil levels and such; that should be checked once a month or so.

    If you lived here in SD, my dad and bro would gladly look at your car, free of charge! All you gotta do is buy the parts and buy lunch =)

  • @BomCamChuoi - 

    Oh wow, I didn’t know tires should be changed that often. Yea I’m not a car person at all. I’m normally good with checking the oil regularly though. Shucks, too bad I don’t live in SD

  • Awee you poor thing. I’m glad you’re okay though :]
    Hey, at least you didn’t run out of gas as soon as the tire bust. That happened to my sister once. On friday the 13th. Irony. =D

  • happpy thanksgiving (: hope you had a good one !!

  • it’s a good thing that you’re optimistic! :] and mine wasn’t that smooth. haha… :/

  • glad to hear you’re doing okay :D Oh and you’re not the only one with exploding tires. I have bad luck with cars overall I think. I started driving when I was 18 and now I’m 20 and for one of those years, I drove only on the weekends cause of college. I have gotten into 2 accidents, both of which were not my fault. 2 non moving violations for similar reasons and an exploding tire. You’re lucky that yours exploded at 4 am. Mine exploded on a very busy freeway in SD during rush hour in the fastest lane in the HOT SUN. well anyway, hope you had a good thanksgiving :D

  • When a tire pops, does it really make a loud sound? Because whenever I inflate my tires, I’m worried that it’ll explode and make me deaf (HEAVEN FORBID).

    Anyways, Happy Thanksgiving to you, too!

    Hope you didn’t bust a gut for eating too much turkey. =)

  • You know you’re supposed to always check for tire pressure. Also, in the fall/winter months, because of the cold, air contracts and the tire pressure shrinks so you have to add more air into them.

  • @d_loves@datingish - 

    Did your tires explode as well? haha

    @InlUvWiTuRsMiLe - 

    Ah see, I’m so glad I didn’t have my car troubles in the highway due to all the things you said. Plus it would be kinda embarrassing haha.

    @Pearls_of_Trust - 

    O yea, sounds like a gun shot. If you’re not expecting it you might jump a little haha.

    @stupid_systemus - 

    I know, I’m just horrible at doing it consistently. I’m gonna start doing that now.

    @indiechaos - 

    That would be disastrous if my gas ran out as well! Might as well add my engine stalling or catching on fire, just to see how screwed up I could get haha.

    @ilovethosejonasboys89 - 


  • no, my tires did not explode. my brother humiliated and insulted me in front of my family members calling me a slut and other things. haha.

  • @d_loves@datingish - 

    OH damn! Did you smack for that?

  • it’s more complicated then that. if i did that..i don’t know what would happen.

  • Gambling on thanksgiving? I guess its a different way of giving back.. lol
    Well glad to “read” your safe. When my car hydroplaned I was very calm, but my car is pretty banged up.

  • happy balated thanksgiving..=)…

    you r not a car person !!!haha..i thought that is always a guy thing..xP

  • haha, it’s all good. :]

  • ouch that sucks. it reminds me though, that i should probably check my tire pressure. i didn’t realize you’re supposed to do it every month….and i’ve had my car since September 0_0. it’s probably due for a check.

  • @s_h_a_sha - 

    Yea I know…one day I’ll get better at it

    @blubunni326 - 

    Haha I’m glad to serve as a warning for you!

    @nice_girl589 - 

    Yup, is it not common? Maybe I’m just used to my parents doing that every thanksgiving haha.

  • =] =] =] =] =] =] =] =] =] =]

  • haha, well a smile’s nice. one time i was at a restaurant and right when i walked in this guy just kept staring at me and he would walk back and forth by my table just staring at my face. and my friend told me kept looking at me because he was two tables behind me. when we were leaving,he was leaving too and he held the door open for us even though we were reallly far away so i jogged over and we came face to face, well he was taller then me but we did that awkward moving around each other thing and he said sorry and i just said it’s okay…and sort of walked away as fast as i could. ahaha. funny thing was i was creeped out but flattered at the same time. c[:

  • @d_loves@datingish - 

    haha I can see how you felt both feelings based on that encounter. You actually jogged over? You should have walked slowly and see how patient he was

  • HAAHAHA. i just jogged over…because he was holding it open long enough.. hahaa. :]

  • Oh man! I’m so glad that’s never happened to me. I’m glad you were safe!

  • @TheCheshireGrins - 

    Thanks, I’m glad I was as well, but especially my little brother. He was starting to get scared haha

  • make your tires tubeless. that way, when it gets a hole, it will deflate little by little and will not instantly give you a *boom* especially when driving on a high way. ;)

  • @ajaw - 

    Hmm interesting idea haha. Yea after that day, I’m gonna start taking much better care of my tire wheels to avoid any unfortunate accidents.

  • I didn’t read the whole thing cause I’m a little a.d.d. right now, but your car looks a lot like a car I had about 4 years ago. I loved it to death. You might need a new set of tires though ;)

  • Oh, and check out the song Volcanoes by Damien Rice if you haven’t already heard it. It’s amazing.

  • @CanadianConspiracy - 

    Yea I got the tires all checked out. Gonna go take much better care this time!

    I’ve heard that song and it’s one of my favs, along with Delicate and Amie. Have you seen him live? He’s sounds so good in person!

  • @Roadlesstaken - 

    I can’t imagine seeing Damien Rice live. He has one of the most unique voices I’ve ever heard. Hmm I wonder if he’s touring right now!

  • @CanadianConspiracy - 

    I think he is, but not in the US yet. I still randomly get Damien Rice mail telling me about his whereabouts. But yea, if you ever get a chance to hear him live. His live rendition of some songs like Cold Water gave me chills!

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