November 21, 2008

  • A Twilight review (from one guy’s perspective)


    I just watched the noon showing of Twilight with a close female friend.  I decided to watch an early showing to avoid the overtly crazy fans that were sure to be at the theaters later that evening .

    If you’ve read my previous post entitled “Why this guy is a Twilight fan“, you know that I was quite interested in how the movie version will turn out.  I would call myself a casual fan of the series, mostly because I like a lot of the supporting characters and I just generally like the universe the story takes place in.  The books are written in such a way that I can see why it attracts so much more female fans than male fans, but it still has some merits to be a book appreciated by whoever reads it. 

    Note to readers:  My review is going to have a few minor spoilers for those absolutely unfamiliar with the story, but if you are a fan you’ll pretty much know what I’m talking about.  If you just want to skip to a spoiler-free summary of my thoughts on the movie, just scroll all the way down.  I also have a special section towards the end of my post directed to the guys, who will most likely be going because their girl made them. It’ll be fine fellas!  Otherwise, enjoy my more in dept review below.

    What I Didn’t Like:
    I’ll start off with what I didn’t particularly like of the movie in general.  One of the biggest critique I’ve been reading about is the special effects, and I got to say I agree.  For the most part the effects are passable, but there are some really obvious wire works that took me out of the movie for a bit (ex:  unrealistic looking jumping done by the vampires). 

    There are some unintentional funny/awkward moments that pop up occasionally.  If you’re not a fan, you’ll probably be thinking “stalker!” or “freak!” when Edward tells Bella he’s been watching her a lot while she’s sleeping.  Several stare downs in the movie were done way too seriously that you can’t help but laugh (ex:  the part between Edward and Billy Black).

    Finally, the main bad guys aren’t as menacing as they try to make them out to be.  Instead of being frightening, they come off as being more like bullies.  I guess you can blame it partly to the story.  Even in the book, I didn’t like how those bad vampires appeared to be just tacked on into the story to provide some type of conflict.  So yea, the bad guys could be a lot more badass.

    Oh how little we see of thee

    There were quite a lot of things I didn’t like as a fan as well.  The Cullens really could have used more screen time.  I was mad that some of my favorite characters, like Emmett, only had a few lines, but it’s understandable given the size of the cast.  Unlike the book, the movie never really got to talk about Carlisle’s and Alice’s past (if you read the book you would understand why it was kind of important to know about Alice’s).  Jasper can control people’s emotions, but you wouldn’t know from the movie because he never gets to show it off!  Lastly, the sparkle.  Yea…I’m sorry, it didn’t quite work for me.  That was one of the things I didn’t like in the book as well, and unfortunately the movie doesn’t make it look any less cheesy.

    Could Carlisle BE any more pale?  Haha seriously, out of all the vampires his paleness stuck out the most.  Geez, you would have thought he had just went head first into a bucket of flour or something

    What I Did Like:
    Okay I sound like I really didn’t like it, but that’s not true.  Even though it sounds bad based on what I said above, I actually found myself enjoying the movie a lot.

    Very well-dressed vamps

    The cast did an amazing job.  The movie wouldn’t have worked if it was not for them.  Robert Pattinson (Edward) showed he’s definitely ready to play a lead (although his English accent could be better), and Kristen Stewart (Bella) was likable I thought.  Even though we don’t see much of the Cullens, they really nailed what they were given to work with (i.e. Emmett and Alice are exactly how I pictured them in my head).  The human characters were a lot funnier than they should be and were portrayed well.  In particular, the guy playing Bella’s dad, Charlie, was really good.  He worked the character perfectly, especially with the awkwardness he initially has with Bella.  You’ll also get a lot of good laughs from him as he tries to be a dad throughout the film.  He’s definitely a surprising highlight.

    Charlie pulling off the protective dad role very well

    Movie-wise, I thought the pacing was handled quite well and the scenery was done nicely.  The director did a good job translating the book to movie form and it definitely stayed true to the original story.  I’m glad a lot of the more cheesier lines from the book was either omitted or modified, and the ones that were left in the movie were pulled off decently enough.  The soundtrack of this movie is wonderful as well.

    Finally, I got to say the chemistry was great everywhere, in particular between Bella/Edward and Bella/Charlie.  Good stuff.

    To the Guys:
    If you want to go on a movie date with someone, this isn’t a bad bet.  It works well enough as a chick flick, but still has some male-appealing aspects in it to keep you happy.  The later section of the movie has much more action than romance, and there’s a pretty cool vampire baseball scene that I thought was interesting to see.  There are some particularly cute actresses in the movie too (check below).  The movie also manage to cut out a lot of the over the top love stuff that is in the book (aka all the super detailed descriptions of Edward given by Bella), so you won’t be bombarded by that as much when watching.  Of course, the vampire aspects is another thing that is appealing (it’s why I ended up reading the series).  I don’t believe the movie will suddenly convert guys into super fans (aka “Twihards”), but they will at least see what all the fuss is about.

    A sample of some of the pretty girls in the movie

    Overall, the movie was a decent enough romance/vampire movies for both fans and non-fans.  Going in, you should understand that it is a romance movie first, vampire movie second.  Fans of the book series will be please to see that the movie stays extremely true and accurate to the book (although I’m sure they would prefer the book), but they might be unhappy with the movie cutting out a lot of important things from the book (hopefully the DVD will be filled with those deleted scenes).  Even if you weren’t a fan before, the movie will still provide enough entertainment and enjoyment.  The special effects could have been a lot better and the story goes into melodramatic/campy territory at times, but the cast makes the movie work.  As it is, it passes as an alright romance movie, with enough of a twist to the typical vampire story to keep you interested.  In the end, I give it a low 4 out of 5 3.5 out of 5 for fans and a low 3 out of 5 for non-fans.

    This is just one guy’s thoughts, so I’m sure some people will agree with me and some won’t.  Feel free to comment with your thoughts on the movie, or if you have any particular parts of the movie you want me to tell you about that I didn’t talked about in this post (i.e. I didn’t mention what I thought about  Jacob or Rosalie).

    P.S. If you are interested in a more adult-oriented story involving similar themes as Twilight, you should check out either the new movie “Let The Right One In” and the HBO show “True Blood” (link to trailers).  True Blood is fantastic, and I heard Let The Right One In was really well done although I haven’t seen it.  If you have, tell me what you thought about it and if you recommend me to see it.  The “Buffy the Vampire Slayer” tv series is another great choice as well.  So many options!

Comments (85)

  • I was just watching the news, and they were talking about what other people were thinking about the movie, and it showed a wide variety between the two sides. most of the people said the movie was “horrible” which i don’t get, because the books are so good! i’m planning on seeing the movie tomorrow, i hope it’s good !

  • haha
    i actually dont plan on watching twilight
    i’ll stick with the books

  • I’ve never heard of the book or the movie. I haven’t been to a movie in…a long time.

  • Baseball scene = my favorite part

  • generally i don’t make a big effort to see movies when i have already read the book. it always seems the book was way better than the movie. however, i enjoyed this book so much that i can’t imagine not watching it on film. i will not have a chance to see the movie until after thanksgiving, but i look forward to it. thanks for your opinions, though.

  • @.@;;;

    i don’t particularly find that this movie defines robert pattison as a good actor….he’s brittish and he cant even do/stick to on American accent… not like a brittish actor’s talent is based solely on that, but it has a big part in the whole scheme of things

    nice review

  • This sounds much like I am expecting of it. The books are simple, so I expect the movie to be as well. It’s too bad about seeing the wire work though, the action scenes would be the one thing to me that would separate the movie from the books.

    True Blood, yummy:)
    And I’ve not heard of this “let the right ones in”. I shall have to look it up.

  • I’m seeing the movie next week with my sisters!

    I just got into True Blood and I’m loving it!

  • i’ll wacth it when its in m’sia!!!

  • I’m glad to know it’s worth a watch. I’m not a Twilight fan, so I may wait until it comes out on DVD so I can rent it. I’m glad you posted this.

    What is “the sparkle,” btw?

  • might go see it. i’ve had mixed experiences with books gone movie. Lord of the Rings was freaking astounding. Eragon sucked. Twilight sounds like somewhere in between. i was kinda pissed that they changed Edward’s hair color, and that he sounds nothing like he should.

  • @ilovethosejonasboys89 - 

    I can see how people that are not in the target audience would not like it. Since you’re a fan I think you’ll find it at least alright

    @Pearls_of_Trust - 

    Haha you must not. Even though I’m a fan, even I was getting sick and tired of seeing all the Twilight ads as of late. I’m surprise you haven’t really heard much.

    @petitenoirtenue - 

    Any scenes that can showcase the Cullens are okay in my eyes!

    @warangel634 - 

    Yea, I don’t think the movie is better than the book, but it does a decent job representing it.

    @chewie233 - 

    Thank you for the compliment! I know what you mean about him; sometimes his British accent seems to come out here and there. Hmm, I should go edit and mention something about that.

  • @Anam - 

    I haven’t heard too much of Let The Right One In either except on those films sites that keeps referring to it in their reviews of Twilight. It’s apparently a foreign film, so it’s probably not gonna be shown in wide release in the US.

    @TheCheshireGrins - 

    True Blood just gets better as the series go on! It’s funny how there are a lot really similar things between True Blood and Twilight i.e. shape-shifter/vampire competing for the human girl

    @Lynn1013 - 

    Haha the sparkle…well in the Twilight series vampires don’t get harm by sunlight, but when they are in direct sunlight their skin “sparkles”…like diamonds. Yea…it’s kinda iffy.

    @jnathanroy - 

    I think you’re right, it seems somewhere in between Lord of the Rings and Eragon. Hopefully if they make the sequels they can boost up the budget so the special effects doesn’t drag the story down.

  • I read Twilight back in 05 when it first came out and I fell in love with the book!
    But the past year, so many people have been getting into it, and the crazed fans kinda get on my nerves.
    I kinda just wanna say “I read it first so stfu” lol.. jk :D

    But I saw the movie and loved it mostly. Some of the scenes were kinda cheesy.
    The flying/running kinda looked weird..
    But for the most part it was awesome, and I hope to see it again tomorrow!

  • I read the book and I wasn’t happy with it at all. I’ll be honest when I say that I thought Edward was a creep (I even blogged about it). I wanted to read the book when I heard it was going to be made into a movie, but it just wasn’t good. One of my friends dragged me to go with her to the midnight showing of the movie (she loves the books)and we were cracking jokes the whole time; it’s not all that it’s hyped up to be. We were both really disappointed with it (I knew it was going to be bad just because I didn’t like the book) and we’ve discouraged people to go see it. My friends and I laugh at the whole “first kiss” scene. “Don’t move,” could that have lasted any longer? I will say this though, I liked the piano scene. I give you props on your opinions on it (and even more for seeing the movie, there were 12 guys in our theater and the rest were women).

  • @jnathanroy - 

    OMG! I can’t believe I didn’t think of that. I was all excited to see Eragon but when I did, it truly did suck. That’s how I feel about this Twilight movie. Sometimes Hollywood should leave some books alone (not advocating on behalf of Twilight cause I’m boycotting it)

  • It’s very detail! lol I have wanted to watch this ever since my friend introduced it me. I wanted to skip the spoiler part and jump straight to the summary, but idk! I read everything LOL. looking forward to watch it in soon, but it’s not out in aussie yet =(

  • Excellent review, I am a grown woman and huge fan. I have read all 4 books.
    I agree wholeheartedly on the sparkle both the in the book and the movie was worse.
    I do think Edward should have been more Victorian maybe a prom outfit from the era.
    Even a hint of the British accent would have been a good idea.
    I didn’t like some of the quirky expressions Bella used. It looked like she was burping quietly sometimes.
    For a real fan it was better that the movie was a little off but true to the book.
    I still would have preferred a young Johnny Depp as Edward.

  • @LaLaLici0us - 

    I really didn’t like the flying part, especially one James makes after Bella peppersprayed her. Urgh, wish they had made that look better.

    @purplecheeseisgood - 

    Even in my early showing I think there were just 3 guys in there (including me), all of which were w/ a lady friend. Now that you remind me, I was kinda laughing at that kissing scene as well, especially the way Edward looked after he flung himself off of her

    @Girl_Without_Pity - 

    I remember when Eragon came out, I had free tickets to go see either that movie or see The Pursuit of Happyness. After what I’ve been hearing, I’m glad I choice the latter

    @darth_cosmos - 

    Haha hope I didn’t spoil too much. The movie really is in the eye of the beholder. If you’re looking forward to it and have had positive reactions to all the trailers and w/e I’m sure you’ll like it

    @greyinpink - 

    When I was trying to describe how I felt about Kristen Stewart, I couldn’t think of a right work besides likable. It’s something else…but I know what you mean about her grimaced expression throughout the movie. Rob Pattinson wasn’t terrible, but I could see other actors that would have brought more to the table

  • I’m a guy and I like Twilight. Why? Because of the fact that Edward Cullen and the Cullens are just like any other outcasts out there who are trying to blend in. Sure, they are beautiful vampires with superhuman skills. Let’s just see for a minute the Cullens as vegan albinos who can ran faster and live longer than other ‘normal’ humans. Try putting humans with unique physical traits and extraordinary abilities in their shoes. Like a kid genius who is taking his Masters in an ivy league college. Or an oversized Chinese playing basketball with a US team. Or a Hawaiian sumo wrestler. These people are all different, special, who are trying to blend in.

  • @reckless_eagle - yeah!!!  i kinda wanted u to read this.. haha thats why i rec it…

  • Interesting review.  I’ve read the book, and found it incredibly disappointing.  Those vampires are pansies.

  • i thought the movie was pretty darn horrible for many many reasons. i think i’ll have to re-read the book soon just to remind myself that the story itself isn’t that bad. -_- i was so disappointed. if rob patterson weren’t so cute, i think i would’ve left halfway through the movie.

  • @reckless_eagle - 

    Ah good, glad there are more guy Twilight fans out there!

    @walden_thoreau - 

    They aren’t as menacing as they take themselves in the book, for sure.

    @blubunni326 - 

    Haha what about it you didn’t like? Same reasons as mine? Yea now that I’ve had a day to digess what I saw, it wasn’t quite as good for fans as I initially thought (hence the slight decrease in my rating)

  • so i just watched the movie n it was ok i mean it could of been better it cut a lot of good things out n added things like prom wasnt in this book its in the next one n they really messed up on everyones pass like it said nothing about carlisle and alice’s past but edwards past wasnt the same as it was in the book so it was a 4out of 5 for me

  • the movie wasn’t bad. i did not and do not plan to read the book. but i don’t think it was supposed to be that funny. at one point i thought poor bella was going to have a Myocardial infarction (heart attack). any way i liked it a lot. i didn’t get cramps so trust me, its ok to go see it [speaking from experience, i only get cramps with bad movies like; black dahlia, idle wild, wicker man] ouch, it hurts to think about it…

  • a side effect? haha. guess so. ooh i’ve been hearing twilight was pretty bad, especially the graphics. but i guess i’ll judge that for myself tonight. :]

  • With all this hype, I just might go see this movie =)

  • @xdarkangel1037x - 

    He did get Spanish influenza and had Carlisle bite him if I remember. Did I miss something that was said in the movie but wasn’t in the book?

    @clozdadoor - 

    Wow cramps? That’s an interesting trait of yours haha. Oh yea, I heard some bad things about Wicker Man. There’s this hilarious youtube video that takes scenes from the movie out of context and its hilarious. Check it out here.

    @d_loves@datingish - 

    Yea the special effects were definitely not up to par for such a hyped movie. Tell me what you thought of the movie after you’ve watch it

  • i know! jasper wasn’t like in the movie at all . new moon is going to be insane. i can’t believe jaspers gunna like attack her in the next movie ! /: and i can’t believe people like DIDN’T like the movie at ALL. i mean i see how people might not like “parts” of the movie, but not liking the WHOLE movie? that’s insane!  

  • i thought they did a decent job with the movie
    i mean, it`s not the book, but it`s what i expected
    i felt the pace to be a bit quick.. i don`t know if i would have been able to keep up with it if i hadn`t read the books
    and basically all of the lines (like the heroine one, etc.) were murdered, which sucked. :p
    but it was really funny ; i laughed like, the entire time
    overall, it was pretty good :]

  • They really could have had more Cullen time.. I was disappointed about that too..

    And WTH was with the sparkles?! XD

  • @Roadlesstaken - 

    lol that was nice. but now i need a midol.

  • This review was made of awesome.

  • @UpperEastSideDesignsx3 - 

    It was pretty funny I thought (during the intentional and unintentional parts). That was one reason why I thought people would at least be entertained watching it

    @femaleBASSPLAYER - 

    Seriously, even though the human characters were alright I would have rather taken some screen time away from them and give it to the Cullens. Haha honestly, I don’t think they really could have pulled off the sparkles even if they had a bigger budget.

    @clozdadoor - 

    Glad you like it! Not so glad it caused you the cramps

  • I have never actually read Twilight or saw the movie, so I really skimmed your post to avoid any spoilers. :D But it looks like a really good series to read :D

  • @golden__cigarettes - 

    YOU’RE made of awesome for saying that

    @InlUvWiTuRsMiLe - 

    The series is a very easy read. Seems like most girls that have picked it up like it, so you probably will too haha

  • well i watched it…and can i just say it was ridiculous. haha. i agree with a lot of what you said. the special effects could have been better, edward seemed like a creepy stalker and is it just me or did he seem a bit “special” in there if you catch my drift. haaha. the stare downs were HILARIOUS… the cullens were a bit too pale, and the movie was just super cheesy. haha. i think the movie ruined the book but then again i knew it wouldn’t be as good as the book. oddly, this only things i enjoyed in this movie were the funny, awkward scenes and the baseball scene. i really wish emmett had a bigger role and jasper really did look like he was in pain. haha. :]

  • The movie wasn’t as cheesy as you put it. It was better than other love stories out there. Some movies try to be too serious or detract from the original source and end up being cheesy. There are lots of vampire myths and this was interesting to see on screen (glistening under the sunlight). One vampire myth they used is that the older you are, the paler and shinier your skin complexion is (probably a nod to Anne Rice). The graphics were okay. It was a good thing they didn’t spend WAY too much money on it because this would have ended up as another hyped movie with graphics as its only saving grace (Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within, Titan A.E, What Dreams May Come… need I say more?). With literature, videogames, or movies… I give my time on them NOT because they have great special effects or good graphics. The reason many people like this book is because of the story. You can’t substitute a great story with graphics.

  • Addendum: I especially liked that cafeteria scene where they showed flags of the world. Those flags are from countries that Stephanie Meyer did research on vampire mythologies. I don’t know if I’m the only one who picked that up.

  • Nice review. I finally got to see the movie last night after waiting since I first learned about Twilight in January to see it. My sister-in-law bought me Twilight for my birthday and I read it in 2 days. I immediately ran out, bought the next 2 books and read them just as fast. I bought Breaking Dawn as soon as it hit the shelves. I wouldn’t say I’m a die-hard crazy fanatic but I did enjoy reading the series and was very eager to see the movie. I convinced my husband to take me to the movie and he was a pretty good sport. He was laughing several times throughout the movie and I’m pretty sure it had a lot to do with the “hokiness” of a few scenes. It was awkward a couple times, the flying was a little “weird” and Edward staring at Bella was strange if you hadn’t read the series. My husband thought the movie was cheesy but he said it was an interesting story line. He didn’t enjoy the flying and he said there was too much dialog, not enough action (which I agree with). I understand that you can only fit so much into 2 hours but I would have liked to see maybe the movie extended just maybe 30 minutes longer so that they could have explored James and Victoria a little more. They didn’t seem as much of a threat as they were described in the book. I do like how the ending leads you to believe there will be a follow-up movie. Overall, I liked the movie. Many of the characters were exactly how I expected. One other thing I would have liked to see explored more was Bella’s relationship with Jacob, it seemed a little lacking compared to the book. I loved the soundtrack! The music was fabulous. And the baseball scene was definitely my favorite part. Overall, I give it a 4 out of 5. That’s only because I want to see it successful

  • I’ve read a ton of reviews, and the worse reviews were New York Times, saying that Patterson’s acting was a ‘bore’, but the movie was good, and EW saying that it needed more ‘flash’. But I don’t usually go by what critics say, and will see the movie anyways, even if I haven’t read the books and am not a particular fan; I just want to see what all the fuss is about, for the most part.

  • @d_loves@datingish - 

    O yea, I was gonna mention that about Jasper. If we had more Cullen action I would have added another half star to my score haha.

    @stupid_systemus - 

    Graphics isn’t everything, but for such a hyped up film it really should have had more money in the budget to make the special effects alright so it doesn’t distract people from the movie. Btw, I didn’t catch that flag part, but I’ll try to look for it when I have to take my little brother to go see the movie sometime this week.

    @cre13 - 

    Haha seems like we both have very similar experience with the movie. Even though there wasn’t much action overall, they definitely added more action than was in the book (i.e. that last fight scene wasn’t really describe in the book because Bella passed out before it got to the good part haha). I actually thought we saw Jacob a lot more than we did in the book. He was such a minor character in the first book, so I thought the movie showed more of him so audience would be more familiar with him in New Moon. Like the book, Bella never got that close to Jacob until the second one, so I’m sure we’ll be getting to know him quite well in the next movie

    @tenshii_rage - 

    I try not to go by most bigger reviews either, at least for this movie, because I know the people reviewing aren’t the target audience. I don’t think the movie was a home run for Twilight fans, but it was alright.

  • Twilight really disappointed me. The Cullen’s were never talked about. And the plot got SCREWED. I did not understand the sparkle scene at all. Made no sense. Random walking in the woods? And the makeout scene? Ugh. Too steamy for a vampire. And. yes, Carlisle was too pale.
    I liked the movie in general, but thought it could have done better. I hope New Moon stick with the actual book, better than Twilight did…

  • baseball scene & the last scene with bella and edward dancing = MY FAVORITE!
    I cried sooo much at the last scene.
    I thought that part was even better than the version in the book.
    Though the ending with Victoria was a little bit creepy,
    but it hints to the audience that there WILL BE a New Moon movie coming out.
    Overall, I loved the movie<3

  • @Roadlesstaken - 

    Well that’s the problem right there. People shouldn’t expect CGI in every movie. Almost all the summer blockbuster films this year used CGI as their primary focus. If people wanted CGI, they can rent the Matrix, Lord of the Rings, Star Wars, etc. The FX for Twilight was understandable for a $37 million movie budget. It made about $36 million on Friday alone. The studio officially announced that “New Moon” is a go. Expect better looking CGI for that one because that’s where they need it. All they need to do is:

    1) Convince Team Edward to watch it.
    2) Make the surely returning actor to grow at least one foot by next year.

  • @Wanna_Be_Ana_123 - 

    It was too steamy. I almost forgot that they didn’t get that close until much later. New Moon should be better, especially with the increase in their budget.

    @xWrKitOuTxDx - 

    I liked the way it ended too. I wish that the other Cullen members were at the dance as well (they were there in the book weren’t they?). I think I have a crush on the girl that plays Alice haha.

    @stupid_systemus - 

    Doesn’t have to be CGI, just make the special effects more believable, sorta like how Iron Man did it so you could barely tell when it was CGI and when it was real. You gotta admit they could have done a better job. Imagine if Harry Potter had the same budget as Twilight. It would have been a much worse movie w/o the special effects. Not saying it has to go all Michael Bay, just tweak it up a notch to make it look like a movie that came out in 2008.

    It’s gonna be interesting to see how they gonna make Jacob look bigger. I can see them doing it the way they make Hagrid look big in Harry Potter.

  • in regards to “Could Carlisle BE any more pale?”
    I said the same exact thing!! I mean come on! He was too pale next to all the others. Maybe due to his age??? Or lack of human blood??
    I agree with you on some aspects of the filming. The flying jumps were unrealistic and awkward but all in all I really enjoyed this film.
    I will be ready for the next one, and hope that the Cullen family get’s more involvement.
    Thanks for your review!!!!

  • @Queen_Tina - 

    I think it was just a case of too much make-up haha. It seems like he got some of that in his hair as well.

    I hope the Cullens get more involvement in the next movie as well, but I don’t see that happening if the movie follows the book. I guess I will just have to wait until Eclipse. Thanks for stopping by!

  • Your reaction was quite different than mine. I blogged mine (“How To Piss an English Major Off”) after I saw the movie as well. This one won’t bar me from seeing the other movies that follow, but I have to say, I was disappointed. (And you did pretty well not giving any spoilers. It was hard for me not to give any.)

  • @Krissy_Cole - 

    I actually did read your blog sometime this weekend. I was gonna comment, but I was actually afraid my somewhat positive experience with the movie would make you mad haha. I do understand where you’re coming from though and definitely see why you wouldn’t like it based on what you wrote. Going in, I didn’t have much high expectations so I guess I wasn’t let down as much because of that. (p.s. You did a pretty good job not spoiling things either! Better than me I think )

  • @Roadlesstaken - You just made me laugh. Don’t worry about coming to my blog and disagreeing with me unless you feel the need to insult. I have quite a few readers who disagree with me about one issue or another periodically. No big deal.

    I think my problem was that I expected too much out of the movie. I expected it to be much more like LotR or HP–movies where the cuts were necessary. I just couldn’t wrap my mind around the way they cut the plot of Twilight.

    Eh. Oh well. I don’t make movies (though I am convinced that Heroes should hire me as a writer. I call that show every single time!).

  • @Krissy_Cole - 

    Haha you just seemed so mad in the post. Alrighty, I’ll remember that next time.

    As for Twilight, maybe they can learn from their weaknesses in this film and make their future films better. I guess it helped that I never expected it to be as good as LotR or HP. My expectation was as long as it’s better than say Eragon I’ll be okay with it haha.

    I love Heroes! Well, more the 1st season than the recent ones. Maybe they should hire you to fix up the next volume. Did you hear one of the original writers from the 1st season (who was the main writer for Pushing Daisies) is going back to the series? Too bad a wonderful show had to be canceled for that

  • read the whole entry, don’t have much of a response other then the fact that you did a good job avoiding the crowd, cuz it was really hard to concentrate on the movie with all those fangirls screaming with every line edward cullen said. and just wanted to say i’m loving the craig david unbelievable song. Thanks for the introduction to it!

  • From what I’m reading it doesn’t look to appeal, but it sounds better than the sloppy Titanic film with Leonardo Al’Gore Dicraprio and Kate the Gawky Winslet. An actor we have barely known as Americans is better than one we know already and magazines celebrating him everywhere. Romance is what draws your female crowd, Action or interesting Myths is what draws your male crowd, mix them together and you got a recipe for success! Just do it right and critiques won’t flame it!

  • @the_true_silver - 

    No problem . One day when I get married I hope that song plays at my wedding.

  • @raon_pureheart - 

    Hahaha interesting nicknames for them. So I’m guessing you’re not gonna watch the upcoming movie Revolutionary Road that has both of them appearing together again?

  • I loved it!! It fed my hopeless romanticisim, you know? Although the audience was basically 15 year old girls and their grandmas that gasped when Edward first came onto the screen, I really liked it. The romance! *swoons* :) Thanks for the review!

  • I haven’t heard good reviews about the movie, but I still can’t wait to watch the movie! Thanks for the review.

  • i have a feeling that i won’t like the movie, but i’m still going to watch it :) and i think i will go and see it more than once because  always get addicted with some random movies and i’m pretty sure this will be one of the :D

  • @pretendX - 

    Haha I completely understand how this movie would please hopeless romantics. I actually saw it a second time today (had to take my little brother) and I think I came out of it liking it better!

    @kc_sarah - 

    There are good reviews, but just as many bad reviews unfortunately. I thought it was fine. Let me know what you thought of it when you go see it!

    @sagishi - 

    Are you a fan of the series? If you are, just don’t expect it to be as good as the book and you’ll probably see it as an alright movie

  • You have to watch the movie when it’s quiet and no screaming/laughing teenagers around. I watched it the first night with laughing teens. I couldn’t appreciate the movie as I was also laughing along. Then last night, I saw it again by myself and I really like it a lot better. I’ve read the books and saw the movie twice. It’s hard for them to fit 500+pages into 2 hours, and they re-arranged some scenes and took out some materials that should be crucial to the continuation of the series. But the supporting characters are great. And they should have shown the Cullen family more. I will look forward to movie #2.

    I rate 4 out of 5. :)

  • @GaMeGurLsH - 

    Very well said. I wonder if that’s why a lot of people didn’t like it. I ended up watching it twice during the day to avoid the crazy fans and I found myself enjoying the movie. I thought overall they did a good job translating the book into movie form. Hopefully when the DVD comes out there will be a lot of extra scenes, especially with the Cullens. More Alice please

  • Rosalie’s ASS was HUGE! She looked like a So Cali Mexican Blond. Totally surprised me. Eh I agree with your ratings of the movie. IT would have made more sense to show flashbacks of Carlisle & Alice’s past to make the movie make more sense. And how JAmes knew Alice in the past or was it.. IDK. Over all. Good movie, but the book, as most novels made into movies, is so much better.

  • @SUGARCANEkitty - 

    Yea Rosalie did not look like how the book describe her, but the actress that played her did show the essence of Rosalie haha. I really hope they did film scenes of Alice/Carlisle background and include it in the DVD.

  • @Roadlesstaken - 

    Yeah. She totally nailed the character. as for the DVD I hope so too. Your blog helped me push myself into reading the rest of New Moon. I was so bored in the beginning, towards the half end of the book it’s pretty thrilling.

  • @SUGARCANEkitty - 

    That’s good to hear! Personally, New Moon wasn’t my favorite of the series (Eclipse is my fav), but I agree the last part of the book made up for the beginning.

  • @Roadlesstaken - 

    I can’t wait to get to that then. Haha.. DAmnit. Seriously the 2nd half of New moon makes up for the first part. The middle part is where I started to pick up momentum once again. I was dreading new moon, glad i’m past the bore-snore parts.

  • the sparkle made edward look like he was sweating bullets haha.
    you should dl the soundtrack? robert pattinson surprises me with his good singing voice

  • I’m a ‘Twihard’ and so are all of my friends, but we were still laughing at him for sounding like a stalker. It was, I don’t know, different when it was in the book.

  • @ElayneA - 

    Haha yea…I guess some things just don’t translate well onto the screen (i.e. sparkle)

  • @Samadi - 

    to be honest I liked his song, but I didn’t like the way he mumbled everything. I dig the guitar in it though.

  • I first read the series before it hit all the bookstores. Publishers send a copy to libraries and then they decide whether or not to buy them, so I read it then. I liked it and hoped the author would write more. I’ve enjoyed the series, though I don’t really like the last book. I hadn’t planned on seeing the movie because I figured it would never compare to the book and how I pictured the characters. I found quite a few discrepencies between the book and the movie and didn’t really enjoy the movie. The things that frustrated me most were: Jasper not having a chance to show his talent, Edward being portrayed as so extremely pained by being around Bella and also his overall depressing demeanor for the first half of the movie, and I thought the Cullens could have worn nicer clothes and Edward could have changed his clothes more. There were many little things that I found disappointing, however next time I see it, when it’s out on DVD, I’ll try to watch it without comparing it the book, then perhaps I’ll enjoy it more. By the way, did anyone else imagine Bella’s voice to be more high-pitched/medium-pitched? I thought Kristen Stewart did a great job playing her, but I just thought Bella’s voice would be less low….

  • @ialwayswanted2peperspraysome1 - 

    I was so disappointed that Jasper wasn’t showcased enough, although the baseball scene w/ him was pretty cool. I think I initially pictured her voice to be higher pitched, but since I saw the movie trailers before I finished reading the series I just started hearing Kristen Stewart speak whenever I read what Bella is saying.

  • Personally I think the movie went a bit fast in the beginning, it doesn’t really explain much about the Cullens and their characters which if you haven’t read the book you wouldn’t know whats the story about. 

    The jumping out of the window scene and the sparkle was cheesy.

    As so the part where Edward tells Bella that he watched her sleep. Lol.

    They should have more explained the Cullen’s past and such.

    But overall it was a good movie.

    I personally liked the action in the movie and the baseball scene.

    I didn’t like the part where Jacob was explaining to Bella the “story”, it went by too quick and it didn’t even seem like he explained it much.

    Overall, the movie went by a bit too fast for me.

  • @XxTwIx_N_sKiTtLeSxX - 

    After thinking about it, the movie did seem to go too fast on some parts, especially Bella’s and Edward’s relationship. The movie could have done a better job at conveying that the whole movie took place over a school year.

  • Obviously I found your review and LOVE IT!!!! Its great to see a guy’s perspective!!
    Now what would someone call a NEW Twilight fan?? I loved the movie so much that I’m going to start reading the books! [And believe me, I don't read for enjoyment] and since I HAVENT read the books, the movie was WONDERFUL to me!! My favorite scene was when Edward showed up JUST int time to save Bella from the disgusting group of drunk guys! I swooned over that! I was so happy! haha.

    Good job my friend, well done!

  • @christina_believe - 

    Wow…well if you really enjoyed the movie, I think you will love the book then. The book was definitely a whole lot better. Go pick it up

  • I thought all of your opinions were pretty on point, and I agree that there were various parts of the movie that could have been better. But I also think that given that this was the first big role that both Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart played (from what I know), they did an awesome job. Also, I think that the chemistry between them was so strong that it definitely made the weaker parts of the movie seem irrelevant. The parts that I thought could have been better were 1, when they first met in class and they were talking about the weather and why she moved there- they were being incredibly awkward with the random silences and it almost made the viewer feel uncomfortable. And 2, how Rosalie was such a bi&*$ the whole movie toward everyone. It was really unnecessary in my eyes, and alse created tension between Bella and the Cullens. I guess there has to be some type of drama to keep people interested, but I really like Nikki Reed and I thought it would have been nice to see her play a nicer character. And lastly, I think that although the special effects were a little unrealistic, it was kind of expected given that vampires don’t actually exist and humans don’t actually crawl up trees. :) When Edward first grabbed her and jumped from his room to the tree, I was kind of like….”Really?” but then it gave me the chills which was probably what was intended. Overall, I was pretty amazed at how good the movie was (regardless of the few awkward and unrealistic scenes), but what can I say? I am pretty easily pleased, especially when it is a love story with such intense chemistry. Oh, and the part that Robert Pattinson played totally swept me away and left me with high expectations of the next guy I date. Lol, look out boys….you have huge shoes to fill if you are dating a girl that has seen this movie!!!
    And P.S.- I don’t think Carlisle was too pale at all, I didn’t notice him being any paler than the others. I thought he was a great actor and think he played the part so well. He is also incredibly attractive, which makes it hard to not like him. And James…HOT! (I actually went into the movie thinking he was the main actor, and was disappoined when I saw that he wasn’t…until I fell in love with Edward that is :) ) Lol… he is definitely one of my new favorite actors. I wish he would have had a bigger role in Twilight!!! He is definitely nice to look at. If you haven’t seen him in Never Back Down, you should check it out!

  • @Kelly - Yeah I’ve seen Never Back Down and I’m sure you really like him in there

    I still say the special effects could have definitely been a lot better.  True Blood is just a tv show but they had a bit more convincing graphic than Twilight.  It should be in the next movie since they got a bigger budget.  Btw of course Rosalie is suppose to be mean!  That’s how she was in the book haha.

  • Omgomgomgomogm. Kristen Stewert can be so pretty at times, like in that blue dress and in some pictures I saw of a photoshoot at the beach on Lovelyish. And Ashley Greene? Don’t get me started. She’s up there with Jessica Alba imo.

  • @snapeful - Ashley Greene is the hotness

  • @Roadlesstaken - She’s amazingly hot. Too bad she’s way out of my league. 

  • I loved Twilight, the movie was wonderful. And frankly I thought it was better than New Moon. I guess the opinions are based on people’s preference, but I liked the smalls things- the details… To me the movie was a portrayal of real love, it’s awkward and dark.
    I wrote my own short review of Twilight. You can read it, if you please.

    Umm what more, the setting was astounding. I loved the majestic greenness, and naturally I have an affinity to the rain.
    I’m glad I found this post. I enjoyed reading a guys perspective. And THANK YOU for being honest.

    Let the right one in is a beautiful movie. I wish there were more movies like it. And True Blood is awesome, they have the book series too.

  • @GothicChic13 - Haha wow, I can’t believe it’s been over a year since I wrote this entry.  Honestly, I didn’t find the Twilight series to be too bad.  Nowadays though I’ll admit I’m annoyed with how crazily obsess the culture is with the story.  To me, it was a fun read overall.

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