Month: March 2005

  • Yep, its official:  im not gonna be here next semester

    I found myself a new job, working at the tennis club.  I’m gonna
    be working there full time, in hope of maybe getting enough money to
    get back to college in the spring semester of 2006.  So much for college….



    I’m just playing, im still definitely attending UMBC next year.  I
    havent gotten financial aide report yet!  heh, sorry guys, but now
    i see that you guys really care .  I’ll treat yall to a free game of pool or something.

    Have a great April 1st everyone! 

  • Ok, im definitely not getting financial aide for next year, so I’m not coming back to umbc next year.  Unless i get some last minute scholarship that covers everything.  So yea, dont know what im gonna do.

    but on the lighter side, here’s some funny pics:

    I bet someone did this on purpose:

    If i was a frog i would so look like this:

    Sign me up!

  • Sin City this Friday!  Who wanna go watch it at muvico at 6:35pm?

    I really hope ASIA is a big success!  Need to convince my parents
    to rent some clothes to june and trish tho…shouldnt be a BIG
    problem.  I guess we’ll find out this sunday.

    Today i also tried out my new button shirt today at school.  Got
    all positive remarks, so i guess im gonna buy some more in the future!

    Played tennis today too!  Great work out…but now im sore .

    O and about that financial aide thing…its not looking good.  i
    should find out tomorrow or so about the status.  If no money,
    then im not sure what i will do..

    Look, turtles in a half-shells!

    This would be EXTREMELY embarassing for anybody to receive:

  • Uh oh…im not getting financial aide for next year .  Idk what’s going to happen now because w/o money i cant attend UMBC.  Hmm, i’ll talk to my parents tonight.

    but anyways…

    Watch our for that…!!

  • First day of college after break.  AHh, nothing like having heavy rain and hw to welcome me back to UMBC

    Sin City comes out Friday!  who wanna come see it at Muvico?

  • Went to see the Meade JV lacrosse tournament today.  Meade
    actually shut out their first opponent 7-0!  however they lost
    2-12 to the other team heh…

    just been chilling and doing hw today…

    Can’t wait til Sin City comes out this friday!!!!  who wanna come see it w/ me?

    that jacket sure looks like my meade band jacket…

    On a Thailand Bus…

  • I finally got a myspace, so if you have one add me!

    Starting to do hw finally…wish me luck on staying focus!

    My friend Trish and her friends are copying me and going to white
    castle.  BOO…well then again, I copied from that movie haha…

    ok thats it for now..

    Can you raed tihs? Olny srmat poelpe can.

    cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rdanieg.
    The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid, aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at
    Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn’t mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a
    wrod are, the olny iprmoatnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be
    in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed
    it wouthit a porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed
    ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Amzanig huh? yaeh and
    I awlyas tghuhot slpeling was ipmorantt!

  • ooooooo…..3 hour trip there and 3 hours back…stayed in new jersey for only 2 hours…

    But OOOOO was it worth it!

    Finally took that trip to White Castle!  Im glad we finally went.  I
    bought 60 dollars worth of food while roberto bought 45 dollars worth! 
    Total we bought over 100 burgers (fish, chicken, cheese, all the
    variety!), fries and onion rings and we each bought a box of frozen
    cheese white castles.  (BTW, if anybody wanna buy this 16 pack frozen
    box i will see it for 20 dollars or highest bidder!)

    Yea…so full…those mini burgers are surprisingly filling haha.  I
    ate just 10 of them, as did roberto…raquel only ate 5 haha.  we felt
    so messed up afterwards…(roberto:  “I can’t see!”)


    can you just feel that heart attack coming?!

    Ah, enjoying our first bites

    me stuffing my face…

    and again..


    10 burgers later….haha


    she looks happy

    we’re happy w/ the trip!

    roberto still recovering…o man


  • So due to the weather thet trip to White Castle is postponed til tomorrow

    here’s something to entertain you:

    Five Facebook Faux Pas

    is an epidemic. What started slowly among people who now think that
    they are better than everybody else for using Facebook first has grown
    into a large network connecting college students from sea to shining
    sea. Many sociology professors, when they aren’t lecturing on how the
    White Man has kept everybody down, are surely having a field day
    studying Facebook. Hopefully they aren’t stalking their students.
    Anyway, I too enjoy the Facebook phenomenon, but I must warn you about
    common rookie mistakes. Here are five Facebook faux pas:

    Accepting friend requests immediately.

    Immediately clicking “accept” 30 seconds after receiving a friend
    request shows that you are a total loser. Before you accept a friend
    request, wait a day. For an explanation of what a day is, I turn to

    Mike: So how long do I wait to call?
    Trent: A day.
    Mike: Tomorrow.
    Sue: Tomorrow, then a day.
    Trent: Yeah.
    Mike: So two days?
    Trent: Yeah, I guess you could call it that, two days.

    Befriending someone who just recently joined Facebook

    Don’t be that guy. Always check the profile to see how long the
    potential friend has been a member. Immediately adding a new member as
    a friend creates the impression that you are always on Facebook looking
    for friends. When somebody is new to Facebook, he/she should look for
    you, not the other way around. At least wait a week and then “stumble”
    across the person like it is totally a chance encounter.

    Befriending friends of friends

    Contrary to popular belief, a friend of a friend is not a friend. The
    English language lacks a word for “friend of a friend,” but you know
    what I am talking about. Just because you saw my photo through a friend
    does not make me your friend, nor does it mean that I have any desire
    to be your friend. Do not add strangers to friends. There are plenty of
    websites for that. JDate, for example.

    Not having your face on facebook

    It’s called Facebook. A book of faces. If you have a giant question
    mark appearing where a photo of your face is supposed to be, go sit in
    the corner until you realize what you’ve done. Your profile says that
    you have 356 friends at your school and 297 friends at 36 other
    universities, but not one of these so-called friends is friendly enough
    to send you a digital photo of yourself?

    Befriending someone whose presence you would not acknowledge if you passed each other.

    Only befriend people whose presence you would acknowledge in the event
    that you actually logoff Facebook to interact with real friends.
    Acknowledgement-while-passing is a really loose definition of friend,
    but it’s all I got. Take it or leave it.

  • –EDIT—


    anyways, for the past couple of days ive just been chilling and
    relaxing.  tomorrow im suppose to go up to new jersey for some
    white castle!!!