Month: June 2012

  • Time Sure Does Fly

    How I felt writing on here, after not writing on here for almost a month:


    What happened?  If you want to know why, my last pulse gave a good clue.

    Actually, I can’t put all the blame on that.  Over the past 6 months or so, some changes has happened that have given me a few reasons why I haven’t been writing as often as I would like:

    1.  I’m getting busier at work

    Summer is my busiest season since most events I work at take place when it’s nice and warm.  Besides prepping and helping out with those events, I’ve recently started getting some big responsibilities on a couple projects that has wide implications.  Don’t want to say too much yet so I don’t jinx anything, but let just say that if I succeed I will gain a lot of attention from my national office.  Wish me luck!

    2.  I’m happy and content with life (for now)

    Good job, good home, good work, good family, good friends, good girlfriend, good health…a lot of goodness.  I guess what they say is true:  it’s harder to write when you’re in a relationship and content with life.

    3.  I’m becoming more private

    Of course, I would be lying to say everything is wonderful all the time.  Just lately, I’ve been getting less of an urge to tell everyone.  Whenever I have something I need to really talk about, I can usually confide with close friends or the girlfriend.  I have been pondering about starting protected postings again though.  If I do, who wants to be on the list?

    Yep, there you have the reasons why I’ve been preoccupied.

    Okay fine, I’ll admit the last reason…

    4.  Frickin’ addictive Diablo 3

    Diablo ain’t got nothing on @Cakalusa and me!

    Don’t worry, blogging is still a fun hobby of mine and I will keep on writing when I can find the time and motivation.  At least now you know why if I disappear from time to time.  Hope all of you are doing well!